Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Poor man's Nutella

Actually, Jif's chocolate hazelnut spread is pretty expensive too. But I feel good because I found a $1 coupon for it. *any excuse will do*  The toddler is sleeping... and I'm doing what any good mom does these days... browsing Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter whilst listening to Pandora and noshing on graham crackers and "Nutella". I think I should cut myself off at some point... Dear Husband gets home at 1 and I should look like I've been uber busy. Or at least hide the Jif. :)

Anyway. Hello there! Its been a while since I've blogged. I have missed it... but being on toddler time these days, there isn't a whole lot of time to sit uninterrupted at the computer. And even when there is a few precious moments (such as right now), there are always chores and projects I must attend to. But today, my house is 90% clean... and the toddler is sleeping. But if I listen, I can hear my knitting crying out for some attention. ... and I have no clue what to make for dinner (Oh Pinterest, inspire me!). *sigh*

Such is the life of one trying to find balance....

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